Insomni'hack Teaser 2018 CTF
I saw that the Insomni'hack Teaser 2018 CTF was announced and I thought that would be an opportunity to progress and learn something new. As we already participated in a CTF with a group from our company, I thought we could use the same group and participate here. Unfortunately, of all the ~10 team members, only two thought this had enough priority in their calendar. The challenge started at Saturday 11am local time and ended Sunday night 11pm. I started with 90 minutes delay and my colleague told me that the first and easy challenge is a trap, where it says something like "wall of shame" if you copy something. I didn't want to hear much before it started, so I tried myself. There were 12 challenges and the site was broken in IE, but Chrome works fine: overview screen, solved challenge in green Welcome Challenge The first (welcome) challenge presented itself like this: warmup challenge So it says there to " nc 42315 ...